Wednesday, 15 July 2009

TV Review: Freefall

If only the recession had been as easy to spot as panto villain mortgage broker Dave, we'd have all been a lot better off. In recession drama Freefall (BBC 2, 9pm) we're back in 2007 and he's a crash course in hard sell, dripping honeyed patter to his greedy audience, writes Sian Brewis.
"What I love about you is you have got the dream," he tells one couple, waving a pen over their dodgy mortgage agreement for them to sign. To another, he guarantees: "You buy now, £300,000 – in two months' time it's worth £400,000."
Deal done, he climbs into his sports car and zooms off, singing as he goes – and leaving them in a financial mess which they won't find out about until it's too late.
As Dave, Dominic Cooper is fantastic, the archetypal wide boy. Blimey, is that her off Girls Aloud? It is, too.
Sarah Harding is surprisingly good as Dave's blonde bombshell girlfriend, cooing while he shops in stores called Blings and Things and shows her round his swanky £800,000 pile.

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